The garage feels like such an integral part of car culture, but is something I have personally never really experienced. Growing up I lived in an apartment complex in Queens, New York and when my family moved to Levittown we moved into a home that did not have a garage, it used to, but the garage was actually converted into an extension of the house and was basically turned into a family room. And surprisingly this is the case for many of the houses on the block that I lived on, but in general the typical Levittown home is a two floor house with an attached garage, and the second floor generally does not extend over the garage.
These are the garages that I have been exposed to the most, attached one car garages. Some people used these garages as purely for storage electing to leave their cars parked in the driveways, some actually used their garages as a place to park their cars and some like the previous owners of the house that my family moved into elected to close the garage off completely and turn it into another room for their homes. Now obviously this is not the only kind of garage but it is what comes to my mind when I think of "garages". There are other kinds like detached garages which are not attached to the house itself, and larger garages like two car garages. But personally due to my experiences the garage in the picture above is how is see garages in general.
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