Reexamining Levittown

So this weekend I ended up heading back to Levittown, my cousin was getting married and it was an event that I couldn't miss. So I decided to use the opportunity to reexamine Levittown with the a different perspective and perhaps try to keep my first experience with Levittown from coloring this evaluation.  So starting off in the area that I live there is one particular house design that is most prevalent.

The majority of the other houses are mostly a variation of this design in one way or another. For example

My home pictured below is also variation of the same design as well, The exterior in particular was completely renovated.

Just looking down the street there are at least three houses lined up that are also a variation of the same design.

But I will say that looking at these houses now compared to when my family first moved here that the variation has grown more distinctive. Different kinds of windows, sidings, doors, some houses have awnings, others like mine have multiple doors and pillars. But I will say alot of these changes have come fairly recently. There have been a large number of renovations while I've been away at UB. And these renovations have done more than just change the siding and making a fancy looking entrance. These renovation expand the second floor and change the architecture of the houses completely.

These two houses in particular are very recent renovations, a year old at best. But all in all I have to say that while Levittown was a perfect fit for the song "Little Boxes" not too long ago; at the rate the houses around the neighborhood are being renovated and as more new people move in, the less that song will fit.
